PDC Activities
The CPDBS has been providing a forum to co-ordinate planning in the parish that is focused on sustainable development. The CPDCBS looks at the 4 elements needed to create balanced Sustainable development: environment quality, economic prosperity, and social well-being, supported by good governance. Our projects include Reforestation, Agro- forestry, Rainwater Harvesting, Green House Farming, Summer Camps, Homework, Annual Christmas Treat for Vulnerable Children, Cultural Activities, Community Leadership Training Programmes, Public Awareness Building Sessions, Parish Planning et cetera.
What has the CPDCBS been doing?
The CPDBS has been providing a forum to co-ordinate planning in the parish focused on sustainable development. Sustainable development ensures that while we focus on the needs of Clarendonians today so that..." we do not compromise on the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". Therefore the Clarendon PDCBS looks at the four(4) elements needed to create balanced sustainable development: environmental quality, economic prosperity, and social well being supported by good governance. The CPDCBS is also working with the Parish Council to formulate the Clarendon Sustainable Development Plan.