In the 1990's, it became apparent, that the normal way of conducting business at the Parish and National level was no longer accepted by the masses; The people needed and wanted to be apart of the decision making processes that affected their livelihood. This led to the development of Ministry papers 08/93 and 07/03. These papers have given the Civil Society mechanisms some legitimacy as they seek to " Deepen the Democratization Process" through the formation of Parish Development Committees and their sub-structures The Local Government Reform Program.
The Clarendon Parish Development Committee Benevolent Society (CPDCBS) was formed in 1999 out of a thrust by the Ministry of Local Government and Social Development Commission, to give the citizens a say in the decision making process under the local government reform programme. Since its inception, under the able leadership of its chairman, the Honourable William Shagoury, the CPDCBS has never looked back. The CPDCBS began mainly as a clearing-house for community issues that arose at general meetings. Eventually the organization embraced the idea of a quarterly general assembly meeting which gave the people of Clarendon the opportunity to look critically at the problems that plague the parish, while allowing the agents to truly respond to their needs.
In August 2007 the CPDCBS was registered as a Benevolent Society under the Friendly Society Act. This means that the CPDCBS is a legal entity with the ability to transact business on behalf of its members. The CPDCBS has about 27 groups/individuals registered from across the parish.
The organization maintains an office at 23 Paisley Avenue (Upstairs Rapid True Value), May Pen this allows for the co-ordination of the group’s overall work and provides for the maintenance of active communication lines between the partners.